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The process is as follows: (generate gpg key) -> (init pass with gpg key) -> (init git repo for pass)

Key Setup

Generate a new GPG key

gpg --full-generate-key

Note: Make note of the uid as it will be required for operations.

Export the public key

mkdir exported-keys
cd exported-keys
gpg --output public.pgp --armor --export <uid>
gpg --output private.pgp --armor --export-secret-key <uid>

Import the public key

gpg --import public.pgp
gpg --import private.pgp

Edit trust of the key

gpg --edit-key <uid>
# Enters the gpg shell
# Select trust value from prompt

Edit the expiry date of the key

gpg --edit-key <uid>
# Enters the gpg shell
# Select expiry value from prompt

pass Setup

Init pass with the GPG key

pass init <uid>

Init git repo for pass

pass git init


Add a new password

pass insert <path/to/password>
# Example: pass insert github/personal
# Example: pass insert github/work

Note: Avoid using emails in the path as a safety measure.

View a password

pass show <path/to/password>

Edit a password

pass edit <path/to/password>

Copy a password to clipboard

pass -c <path/to/password>

Generate a new password

pass generate <path/to/password> <length>
# Example: pass generate github/personal 20