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Concurrency in Go

Unlike python and javascript, go has built-in support for concurrency. This is achieved by using goroutines and channels.

Sample code

Consider the following non-concurrent code:

package main
import (

//Prints out the numbers from 0 to count
func producer(count int) {
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
fmt.Println("Generated: %d\n", i)

//Prints out the numbers from 0 to count (in concurrent model, it should print out
//the numbers from `producer`.
func consumer(count int) {
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
fmt.Println("Consumed: %d\n", i)

func main() {

The output of the above code is:

Generated: 0
Generated: 1
Generated: 2
Consumed: 0
Consumed: 1
Consumed: 2

Understanding sync package

The sync package provides primitives to synchronize parts of the program.


It simply waits for a collection of goroutines to finish, it maintains a count of how many tasks need to be completed, before being done.

The count is decremented by calling wg.Done() and set by calling wg.Add().

The WaitGroup waits for the count to reach zero with wg.Wait().

Rewriting the above code using sync.WaitGroup

package main

import (

//Prints out the numbers from 0 to count
func producer(count int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
//executes wg.Done() when the function exits
//hence the WaitGroup count is decremented by 1 i.e it is set to 1 from 2
defer wg.Done()

for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
fmt.Println("Generated: %d\n", i)

//Prints out the numbers from 0 to count (in concurrent model, it should print out
//the numbers from `producer`.
func consumer(count int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
//executes wg.Done() when the function exits
//hence the WaitGroup count is decremented by 1 i.e it is set to 0 from 1
//and the WaitGroup is completed
defer wg.Done()

for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
fmt.Println("Consumed: %d\n", i)

func main() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
wg.Add(2) //set the WaitGroup count to 2

go producer(3, &wg) //pass the WaitGroup as a pointer
go consumer(3, &wg)

wg.Wait() //wait for the WaitGroup count to reach 0

The output of the above code is:

Generated: 0
Generated: 1
Consumed: 0
Generated: 2
Consumed: 1
Consumed: 2

The above output will have a slighly different order of execution each time you run the program.


Using channels we can send and receive values between goroutines.

Creating a channel

x := make(chan <type>)

Sending a value to a channel

x <- value

Receiving a value from a channel

another_var := <- x

Closing a channel


Sample code

package main

import (

//Prints out the numbers from 0 to count
func producer(count int, ch chan <- int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) { //send only channel
//executes wg.Done() when the function exits
//hence the WaitGroup count is decremented by 1 i.e it is set to 1 from 2
defer wg.Done()

for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
fmt.Println("Generated: %d\n", i)
ch <- i //send the value to the channel

//Prints out the numbers from 0 to count (in concurrent model, it should print out
//the numbers from `producer`.
func consumer(count int, ch <- chan int wg *sync.WaitGroup) { //receive only channel
//executes wg.Done() when the function exits
//hence the WaitGroup count is decremented by 1 i.e it is set to 0 from 1
//and the WaitGroup is completed
defer wg.Done()

for num in range ch {
fmt.Println("Consumed: %d\n", num)

func main() {
nums := make(chan int) //create a channel

var wg sync.WaitGroup
wg.Add(2) //set the WaitGroup count to 2

go consumer(3, nums, &wg) //pass the channel as an argument
producer(3, nums, &wg)

close(nums) //close the channel

wg.Wait() //wait for the WaitGroup count to reach 0

The output of the above code is:

Generated: 0
Consumed: 0
Generated: 1
Consumed: 1
Generated: 2
Consumed: 2


Allows "awaiting" on multiple channel operations.

package main

import (

func main(){
c1 := make(chan string)
c2 := make(chan string)

go func(){
//simulate a blocking operation
time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)
c1 <- "one"

go func(){
//simulate a blocking operation
time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)
c2 <- "two"

for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
select {
case msg1 := <- c1:
fmt.Println("received", msg1)
case msg2 := <- c2:
fmt.Println("received", msg2)

The output of the above code is:

received one
received two


Using select we can also implement timeouts to enforce a limit on the amount of time a channel can block.

select {
case msg1 := <- c1:
fmt.Println("received", msg1)
// if the operation takes more than 1 second, the timeout case will be executed
case <- time.After(time.Second * 1):
fmt.Println("timeout 1")